The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats - Fair Old Lady

The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats - Fair Old Lady



Текст песни

Текст песни "Fair Old Lady"

Fair Old Lady

As a fair old lady she opens up her eyes
In her hands a steaming cup a feeling that’s got no price
See her grey hair shimmering bright
Sitting in a rocking chair in early morning’s hazy light

I remember the day when I first earned my pay
Down at the docks by the seaside cleaning up the quay
I spent my time there and to tell you the truth
Those were happy days in my long gone youth

That's the town I love in many ways
That's the town where I spend my days
Where warm sun shines from above
This fair old lady is my only love

When I returned home from a far away land
I smell what I missed the flavour of this unique brand
I hope that I never have to leave my loved wife
In this rusted shady town I want to exhale my life

The clouds I saw them go and come
A smile instead of a glass filled with rum
Down the midnight streets I hear
the church bell ringing in my ear
My day has come it’s my last breath
Oh my lady what a wonderful death


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